Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Studies on technology in schools and what we need

Technology and Education
NCES Study ShowsDigital Divide PersistsGovernment study shows the schools "help narrow the disparities between different types of students in terms of computer use." Read more.
High School Reformand 21st Century SkillsHigh schools need a relentless focus on results that matter for student success in the 21st century, according to a report from The Partnership for 21st Century Skills.
'Ready to Upgrade?'Read the March 2006 NEA Today cover story, "Ready To Upgrade?," to find out how your colleagues are getting up to speed on tech issues. And check out NEA's Online Technology Guide for educators!
Every student needs the ability to navigate through the 24/7 information flow that today connects the global community. For students to thrive in a world enabled by information technology, we must give them the skills to make sense of and use the information that engulfs them. They need to know how to learn new skills as quickly as technology creates new challenges.
Many students already use computers and surf the Web on their own, but there's more to educational technology than desktop computers.
Teachers and students need access to laptops and pocket PCs, digital cameras and microscopes, Web-based video equipment, graphing calculators, and even weather-tracking devices.
They need to become responsible and savvy users and purveyors of information. They need to need how to collaborate successfully across miles and cultures.
Professional Development Is Critical
Making the tools of technology available is important, but that's just the first step. Fully preparing and supporting educators in the instructional use of technology is critical. Teachers and school staff must know how to do more with technology than simply automate practices and processes. They need to learn to use technology to transform the nature of teaching and learning.

My say: I do agree with the writer of this article when they say "Everyone needs some sort of technology to be successful ." Having them in classrooms is very important for the student and for the teacher as well. I believe this will give them the proper skills in reading, writing, and math. It is very important to have these machines to transform some of the teachings from the teacher, because the kids will just find it easier on them. If students don't know how to work the machines they should learn, because it will help them if they know what they are doing. Teaching will only get better from K-12th grade with the new technology given in todays society.

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